Sandra Reeve Judging Profile

Sandy commenced showing and breeding purebred dogs in 1983 in my hometown of Adelaide, South Australia where she owned, bred and exhibited Dalmatians.
She was Secretary of the Dalmatian Club of South Australia from 1984 to 1992 and Editor of “The Spot Press”, a magazine devoted to the Dalmatian breed. She also served as a willing and dedicated Committee member for over 10 years.
In January 1999, after relocating from Adelaide, to Sydney, New South Wales, Sandy joined the Royal NSW Canine Council. Since then she has enjoyed the antics and companionship of the Italian Greyhound.
The Italian Greyhound is an enchanting breed and we have had many successes in the show ring under the kennel prefix, Piccino.
Show highlights have included many All Breeds Best in Show awards, Specialty Best in Show awards and Royal Show Best in Group awards.
Piccino Italian Greyhounds has been awarded Italian Greyhound Breeder of the Year almost every year recently and are current leaders for 2022. Piccino is the home of many Grand and Supreme Champions including Hall of Fame, “Multi BIS, BISS Supreme Champion Piccino Casanova” who is a true legend in his own right and is known by many worldwide.
Other notable achievements include being invited to compete in the prestigious “Contest of Champions” and “Dog of The Year” many times.
Piccino dogs are consistent winners in the show ring and try to improve the breed with a selective breeding programme including importing dogs from America and Canada.
Apart from her interest in exhibiting dogs, Sandy was also Chair of the Dogs NSW Complex Fundraising Committee for ten years.
Piccino is very proud to be one of the few kennels in Australia to be selected by Purina Proplan to be an Ambassador for their dog products. Products that we endorse.
Sandy is an Italian Greyhound and Toy Group Breed Specialist and an approved ANKC All Breeds Dog Judge.
She has to date judged extensively throughout Australia and New Zealand and at The Kennel Club of Palm Springs, California (one of the prominent dog shows in USA with an entry of approximately 4,500 dogs per day). She also had the honour to judge at many other shows in USA, Bangkok, Manilla, China and at The Italian Greyhound Specialty in Japan where she also gave a breed lecture. She was also lucky enough to be invited to judge at the Italian Greyhound National in Rhode Island, USA, with over 160 Italian Greyhounds entered.
She also has had the honour of giving the Italian Greyhound breed lectures for aspiring judges in Sydney and Queensland.